“Take every chance you get in life ... because some things only happen once!”
-Karen Gibbs
Our adventure started Labor Day weekend of 2017 when Tom and I had our first serious conversation about living on the road. This was something that we had both dreamed of doing, but only ever saw as just that, a dream. I don’t know what it was about that particular moment, but suddenly we were envisioning reality rather than a fairy tale. Nothing was set in stone, but we were both motivated to start planning and saving. In the months that followed, we experienced a roller coaster of emotions and called the trip off multiple times. The thought of leaving our jobs, family and friends was much more intimidating than we had expected. We knew this would be the opportunity of a lifetime, but didn’t know what we were willing to sacrifice in order to grab it.
Our first major hurdle was notifying our jobs. We both feel tremendously fortunate to have work environments that we enjoy and that offer us a sense of value. The realization that positions like these may not present themselves again was a hard pill to swallow. This step confirmed our equal commitment, which offered both relief and a deep sense of fear. It wasn’t that this action couldn’t be undone but we were both acutely aware that our stubbornness would drive us forward regardless. It felt like we were kids again; giddy with excitement, without a clue what we were getting ourselves into. “We’re actually doing this,” became a frequent statement which we would deliver with a hopeful smile and tight stomach. In a few short months paychecks would be a thing of the past. This would be considered a step backwards for most, but for us, it provided an open door for this great adventure.
May 1st, 2018 is our planned departure date. We have renters lined up and are working on getting our cherished belongings packed into storage. Our new home will be a 1985 Skamper, truck camper, mounted on our F-150. We’ll be bringing our dog Mogli, along with the necessary gear to hike, climb and camp. Our route is a rough outline that includes a number of sport climbing destinations, national parks and popular coastal areas. Here is where we hope to keep those of you informed who wish to follow our travels. We are so unbelievably grateful for the support that we have received from our friends and family. Thank you for your words of encouragement and astute concern, both were vital to us arriving at a place of peace about the trip. We love you all and can’t wait to bring you on this wild ride!